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Grief and Magic

Grief can get intertwined in every aspect of life and later become quite complex. Those who have been through some form of grief will understand, but those who have not been through that type of hardship will not understand. Life is a challenge and sometimes you may wonder, ‘Why is this happening to me?’

Sometimes it may feel that the world is falling apart and that there is no direction. It is important at this time to find ourselves and ground ourselves to find the answers within. I did not realise the power of stillness. I feel that it is in moments of stillness that the path becomes clear and a new path is chiselled. That is the power of the universe.

To the one who respects the power of Mother Earth and its creations, an ability to sense its surroundings and be intuitive maybe gifted. The power to listen, be patient and believe in the will of the Earth and its power. There is magic beyond us all.

I feel that energy can be exemplified the more we channel it. Sometimes it could just be that one person who has the energy of several. I believe that good will and positivity always prevails.

In life we may be challenged with all kinds. I believe that challenges and adversity have purpose. The obstacles one faces make us stronger. Sometimes one may be crumbled to pieces internally but this can be rejigged and clarified with stillness.

A moment of quietness and time to contemplate is all one needs to bring about a sense of clarity. It is important to take a step away and observe as if we are the observer of what is happening rather than drowning in and getting swallowed up.

In life one will go through several tests and challenges. These may come about when we least expect it. Sometimes it is hard and therefore one may get annoyed or angered and react in some way or form. We need to try and not react and be the observer of ourselves but this is easier said than done.

I have found this hard in the past but recently have found that I have a new sense of understanding. Following the path of stillness has helped me. My experience at Torridon, Scotland has helped massively. It also made me feel grateful for my upbringing and my life. To have culture and varied rituals passed down from the generations which are greatly symbolic of ancestral knowledge and the proximity of these with Mother Earth. I had taken this for granted.

I went to the temple last weekend and it brought back that closeness to Mother Earth. There are aspects within Hinduism such as the 5 elements which are integrated as part of certain rituals and prayer. This has a connection with the Earth. The sound of the ringing bell at the temple, bringing about a sense of peace and awakening, bringing the mind about a calm stillness amongst the noise of the temple. This correlates with life in general and its complexity. It is essential that we try to be calm among the chaos and just simply carry on with one’s own destiny using all the tools available to us.

However, for me personally I feel that praying to the sky and the Earth works better than being in a temple in some ways. I prefer silence too so that I could connect to my inner self and bring about a deep sense of awareness. I call it my connection to Mother Earth. I remember being in Torridon and being happy and carefree. I guess that is the path I will try and follow for the rest of my life, taking challenges in my stride and being flexible to whatever life throws at me.

Helping others and taking responsibility for the planet is a means of giving back to Mother Earth and showing thanks for all of creation. Trying our best to be mindful to all living beings on the planet. Being conscious of our planet is a huge stepping stone to making a difference globally. It all starts with us. Before I die I would love to make a difference to so many lives however small that maybe. I think the important thing is that we try to make a difference in this world and if we want things changed that we be the ones who take the first step to make that difference. Sometimes I feel that the trees speak to me and they bring about great joy to me. When the wind rustles around autumn fall. It is as if there are spirits all around guiding me. Sometimes I do wonder if there are negative forces and yes, I may have come across this but to me this form of energy is more in human form than anything else. (I am talking about a few here).

I was searching for several answers in Torridon, many of them answered. Life can be so simple but so complicated if we make it out to be. The main thing I kept telling myself is to let me be me, let me be happy and carefree just like a child. I am keeping hold of my inner child, the true spirit of our being and nature, pure innocence.

I believe putting will into existence can have a massive effect too as it can make things happen threefold, and suddenly there’s the domino effect and there is a chain reaction. When our minds our clear, the path become clear and when we put our will out there into the universe, we allow for the power of the universe to take steps to make that happen. I feel there are things that we may not fully understand but there may not be a need to understand and just let things be.

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