How we feel and how we present ourselves can act as a mirror, for example if we are angry ,this may make another person angry whereas if we are calm, it creates a calm atmosphere. We can channel the energy of a room with our own presence and change how it feels. Sometimes this energy can also travel from one side of the world to the other. People may miss you because of an energy you create, or cringe ones presence due to it being overwhelming . Being nice can make the other person appear nice but it in actual fact it maybe a reflection of ourselves or that persons energy influencing our energy.
It is subjective and individual but powerful at the same time. For example when you miss someone, it indicates that you created a special feeling when that person was around, and without them it is hard to feel. There is a certain kind of magic when you have that special connection and sometimes one doesn’t even have to speak. You could call it love, a special kind of love, whomever that may be with and this does not necessarily need to be romantic. Energy can be created, passed on, wasted or used wisely. That is the magic of energy. So let us be good givers of energy and be open to receive great energy but at the same time be protective of ourselves when there is negative energy. This can sometimes be hard to judge , as we would think that those closest to us have our best interests but that may not always be the case. The back stabbers are often those closest to us or who we least expect.
People do not like good people or people doing well. This is awful as life is about sharing, caring and being forgiving of each other. This is where, ego, pride greed, envy and jealousy can hinder positive connections and bring about stale competitive nature which is disgusting behaviour in my opinion. Some people are unaware of having this vibe about them which means they find it hard to snap out from it. I am not concerned about what you are doing and only concentrating on improving myself from my former self. That is the only competition we should be having.
Winners are not necessarily the true winner in our society, true winners are those who are real who do not change themselves for anyone and navigate their own path even if they are travelling alone.