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Camouflaged like an octopus

My card from lux from a few years ago:-)

Sometimes in life things can get camouflaged among the haze of routine. It is hard to appreciate what we have in life as it is often taken for granted. Gratitude and appreciation for what we have in our lives are difficult values to practice sometimes. It's easier focusing on the negatives and especially on what we don't have. I wish this could be better, or that could be better. I wish I could have this. Why are things like this? Can it change? What can I do to create the change? Hello, how about appreciating what we have?

Sometimes we have more than we realise and then we look around and see that there are people less fortunate than ourselves. Life is again much more than materialistic gains. It's the small things in life that count especially the connections which we make from day to day and the love and people we have around us that make us who we are today. I am ever grateful to all those who have been there during the difficult times. I always felt that sharing my happiness is something I share more easily with those who allow me to also share my sadness. I just think it just makes more sense. Those who have been there through my hard times are the ones I feel grateful to have in my life. In this journey of life happiness comes hand in hand with sadness. I feel that one does not coexist without the other. It is through sadness that we learn to be more grateful for what we have and learn life's greatest lessons.

I guess we all have a mix of feelings and we all react differently to different situations having our own unique response. This again makes things more challenging as we have grown with different values and have our own hierarchy for a set of core values. What I mean by this is we all live the way we want and in this way have created our own life path with the values we treasure most. We probably get along more with those who share similar values to us too.

I guess it's not that important to be understood. We can't understand everyone but we can try to. I guess it's more important to focus on the positives. Positive vibes and energy create space for the same as there is often a reflection of vibes in the universe. The universe is a powerful one and when we have full faith in it, it holds you and carries you to where you need to go. I love adventure and change as it allows one to grow. I believe when we put faith and effort in something and have a pure heart with good intentions the universe helps us succeed.

Life is full of judgements but the truth is what we see is not what we always get. Furthermore , its hard not to judge sometimes for anyone, as when our values do not sync we start judging naturally. Sometimes its better to just be. Similarly social media can portray a different face. Life can be challenging sometimes and most of us do not portray that face but have another face, the brave face in front.

Sometimes or maybe always the brave souls cry behind closed doors or hold it in. Crying is ok. It's ok to feel sadness as well as happiness. I think what annoys me is when people get annoyed with me when I share my feelings of sadness in particular. Be it sadness or happiness they both teach us lessons and are interrelated. However it is important to not get too hooked up into happiness nor sadness but to be complacent. I think for the first time in 2019, I felt the combo of a 50\50 split and it was so hard. I was happy but I was also sad.

I feel that by sharing how I feel empowers others to be more open and again it is about breaking the stigma. We want the stigma of all issues around the world to be less judged. Should we really care about being judged? Sometimes with the society we live in certain pressures seem threefold. We should talk things through more and be open about how we feel. This is sometimes easier said than done. We should not care what others think and live life the way we feel is right and what is true to our self. Thank you to all of you have consistently supported me with my blogs since 2018.

I feel that my happiness will forever be linked to sadness since losing Kannan for me. Every hardship , every victory, has a link deep to Kannan. I miss Kannan a lot. I have felt him around recently especially when in a heightened sense of awareness or when chanting in prayer. It had been a while but then I felt Kannan around so strongly. I knew it was you Kannan. Thank you for being there for me with me all the way everyday. This year Kannan would have turned 30 being a 1990 baby born October 9th. July this year would be 10 years since Kannan took his own life. Time has gone so fast. I feel I have grown most in the last 10 years of my life.

Wishing everyone a happy healthy new year! Don't take life for granted and appreciate each and every day you have with all your loved ones.

With great love, peace and thanks, Aranee

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