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The Angelic Year of 2022

The Angelic Year of 2022. those who know me know what I mean by this. This year has been such a phenomenal year for me. There have been so many magical moments, synchronicity and life lessons learnt. One of the best lessons learnt I guess is, to be happy in the moment. I have also learnt the importance of letting go to help reframe where I am now and enjoy the moment, I am in. I used to really struggle with this and being happy in general. I didn’t realise I was holding onto problems and the past. I always felt responsible, but I am not responsible. I have done so much to try and help myself and my well-being too. I always had something at the back of the mind, however, the moment I let go I felt a sense of freedom I have never felt before. It has not been easy. It’s been incredibly tough and challenging but in a good way as it has helped develop myself into a better version. I call this version, the 2.0 transitioning into my 3.0 self.

It has been a constant learning process. I would like to mark this year and claim it as my year too. 2022 is a special year; it is also an angel number. Whatever I envisioned mostly happened I would say. Everything I wanted has fell into place and happened. It was like a crescendo of doors, kind of a domino effect, where after one door opened, I kept entering and they kept opening in every aspect of my life. I am so grateful to Swami for looking after me and showing me things, I never understood before too. I can say I have been the happiest I have in a very long time. It does make me emotional as I write this in a happy way though. I used to think I had to help so many people all the time and felt a sense of low self-worth but later realised I should also value myself and serve myself with the same respect and value. I learnt about my own boundaries. I didn’t know how to keep healthy boundaries too. The first time I thought I should serve myself, there was a Swami’s quote I read which was very apt and in line with this and about how we should also serve ourselves too.

I know Swami and the angels are helping me. There is a higher power. Every time I connected with the higher entity be it Swami or the angels’ things manifested threefold and continuously. It was magical. It was like a burst of several doors opened, from numerous career opportunities, Sai and Seva opportunities too. There were several tests along the way too. It has not been easy. I learnt that pleasure is an interval between two pains too. I then thought let me enjoy myself whilst I am in between the pains before a pain arises (Ha ha!). Life is so short. I am ever so grateful for the tests too which helped with my spiritual growth. I was thinking every time something happened, I would be like what is Swami trying to teach me now. It is also important when faced with pain or pleasure to try and accept it with equanimity; this is not always easy. I am slowly learning anyhow.

2022, has been one of the best years in my life so far in many ways and one of the most challenging too. I have pushed myself in every direction possible to overcome barriers I have had within myself too. I have had to get help too. I would not be where I am today if it was not for the support I have had from my family and friends. It was great to end the year with a trip I will never forget which I thought of as a gift to myself to help revive myself. I am so grateful to have made spiritual connections too and making new profound connections. I felt Swami hold my hand indirectly through sending me a friend who has also been through something like myself. I spoke to Swami about wanting a new friend who understands me, and Swami sent me this friend. Furthermore, giving me the opportunity to carry on studying too. Blessings! I am in tears as I write as I am happy in so many ways. The opportunities keep coming too. It is great. I am thrilled as all these opportunities help give me more chances to serve Swami.

Those who know me know how much I love unicorns and narwhals. I love narwhals in particular as spiritually they mean being deep and empathetic and I feel I resonate with the spiritual meaning. Here is a picture of me with my magical narwhal, "Seacorn".

The list of blessings:

1. Grateful to Swami for always being there.

2. Grateful to supportive friends and family who understand me

3. Region 3 Spiritual coordinator role joint with Sister Amanta started Jan 2022

4. Pelvic Health Physiotherapist role at Bedford Hospital started 02/02/2022

5. First Contact Practitioner Physiotherapist role at Lea Vale Medical started 22/02/2022

6. Completed the Mummy MOT course and bladder dysfunction course

7. Started a Women’s Health Osteopathy Diploma part time at the Molinari Institute

8. Ran and completed the 34K challenge for Suicide and Co

9. Ran the London Marathon, 26 miles for the Pseudo Obstruction Research Trust

10. Learnt how to be happy and live in the moment

I wanted to end by saying a massive thank you to all those who helped support me. Thank you so much! I have felt even though this may have been one of my hardest years. It has also been one of the best because I overcame several fears and faced so many challenges mentally and physically too. I am thankful to Swami for testing me and pushing me beyond my limits. I am grateful for the difficult challenges as I would not be who I am without them. Thank you Swami! Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Hoping and praying 2023 is an even better year! Om Sai Ram


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